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The Dusseldorf pallet is used for commodity flow between industry and trade. This pallet is particularly popular in the foodstuffs and luxury foodstuffs sector and is used in exchange procedures. The pallets are built to be especially sturdy, guaranteeing safe transportation and absolute stability. They prove to be extremely durable and robust.

Any products can be transported damage-free on Düsseldorf pallets and appealingly presented on the shop floor (POS), without time-consuming loading and unloading leading to interruptions in the product flow. Do you need Düsseldorf pallets? We’d be happy to present you with a quote.

New Düsseldorf pallets

Bild Düsseldorf pallets

Any questions?

Your contact person: ZS-Palettenservice GmbH

Your request:

New Düsseldorf pallets:

Inquiry *:

Delivery *:

Second Hand Düsseldorf pallets

Bild Düsseldorf pallets

Any questions?

Your contact person: ZS-Palettenservice GmbH

Your request:

Second Hand Düsseldorf pallets:

Inquiry *:

Delivery *: