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One-way pallets from ZS

One-way pallets are designed for once-off travel. They are not a part of our pallet pool, and therefore don’t have to meet the strict criteria of the EPAL Euro-pallets. One-way pallets are used for export to states outside of Europe, or for transportation to the final consumer. They remain with the recipient, who disposes of them.

One-way packaging is cheap to produce and, in addition, the costs for returning them into the pool are omitted. They are able to adhere to the highest hygiene standards. Do you need one-way pallets? We’d be happy to deliver one-way pallets made from wood to you in all dimensions and designs.

60x80 EWP

Bild EWP

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Your contact person: ZS-Palettenservice GmbH

Your request:

60x80 EWP:

Inquiry *:

Delivery *:

80x120 EWP

Bild EWP

Any questions?

Your contact person: ZS-Palettenservice GmbH

Your request:

80x120 EWP:

Inquiry *:

Delivery *:

100x120 EWP

Bild EWP

Any questions?

Your contact person: ZS-Palettenservice GmbH

Your request:

100x120 EWP:

Inquiry *:

Delivery *: