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E1 crates are made of a plastic designed for the transportation of foodstuffs and are therefore used mainly for hygienic transportation in trade. The sturdy load carriers are most commonly used in the transportation of foodstuffs for fresh goods (meat, fish).

They comply with all demands for hygiene and safety, are easy to clean and convenient to transport. Are you interested in E1 crates? We’d be happy to present you with a quote.

New E1 crates

Bild E1 crates

Any questions?

Your contact person: ZS-Palettenservice GmbH

Your request:

New E1 crates:

Inquiry *:

Delivery *:

Second Hand E1 crates

Bild E1 crates

Any questions?

Your contact person: ZS-Palettenservice GmbH

Your request:

Second Hand E1 crates:

Inquiry *:

Delivery *: